Thursday, November 8, 2007

Artisan's Road Trip 2007

A Goat (watercolor)2007
this is one of the paintings that sold.
I started painting this goat really bright blue and then I tamed
it down with some browns and purple . I really like the
Here is my brother and Sister enjoying the observation chairs.

My Grandma and I showed our paintings at the community
building in Paullina . It was a really nice place with lots of room
to wander and look around, we also had some relaxing music in the
background that really made it pleasant .(especially for painting! I finished
both my paintings on the first day and had to scrounge up a new one for
Grandma's half finished painting (Pastel)

I had 8 paintings and Grandma had 13 it made a
nice show. It was fun ,but next year I want to go and
see the other exhibit on the road trip.
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