My Dad turned 59 this year. It's amazing he doesn't seem that old at all. Does that mean that I'm getting old? 59 used to be ancient it's just the prime of life.
I love my Dad , how he never shows his teeth when he smiles. His quietness until he gets really excited then he laughs his crazy loud laugh. I especially love his hugs and sitting on his lap when I was little. Now little Audrey gets that privilege.
I love my dad so much I made him a cake covered in carmel even though I couldn't have a single taste. 
Soon Spring business will set in . The weather will be beautiful ,and everyone will be busy rushing around ,but right now it's still in between like a spring twilight. So close but... not quite there.
I think it makes spring even better because there's so much build up.
Spring is like this :
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature, old things passed away; behold new things have come.
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