Today is the last day before I leave for a missions trip to Swaziland south Africa.I and 12 others from my church are heading out eearly(2:30 A.M!) tomorrow morning to drive to the airport. I am so excited to go ,and I really really want to go on this trip ,but today I felt like I would rather just stay home and not bother with all the worries involved in serving people in another land . I'd rather stay and not fly 16 hours on a plane . And for whatever reason I felt very much like the weather today rainy and stormy just a whole cloud of worry over my head.
Look at this happy child how come she gets to live here in the land of plenty ,and the babies in Swaziland if they don't have HIV/Aids (43% of the population does!) they only have a life expectancy of 31 yrs old!Why am I here? and not there.If I wasn't going I would be even more miserable because I would be disobeying God.Remember Jonah? yeah that could happen with all this rain.Today I heard a preacher say that God gives us everything we have and we have everything we need to do what he has prepared for us to do.
So stop feeling inadequate God chose you to live here and he chose you to go. Remember this promise:
have i not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the lord your God will be with you wherever you go.(joshua 1:9)

I have been studying this passage lately ,and it seems very fitting with my struggle today:
be anxious for nothing ,but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the PEACE of God which surpasses all comprehension will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus our lord.
Phillipians 4:6-7
So please pray for this trip that we would encourage each other and the people there and the missionaries there and that God would work over and abundant good for the people who are hurting in Swaziland . I will post pictures as soon as I can .The people there are beautiful! can't wait to meet them in person!
I get back July 3rd. Don't forget to pray!
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