Friday, March 23, 2012

Stuff Faye made!

Mittens ( done just before the weather changed). Because I am notorious for losing my mittens. 
Barn Swallows. I loved how free flowing and fun this painting was to create. Thanks Whit and Robin for wanting to paint with me!
A make believe house. Houses are always fascinating to me all the windows and angles, and possibilities hidden within.
Paper Airplanes! Do you know how to make a paper airplane?
I am proud to say that I can make a pretty mean paper airplane ,and that mine usually fly pretty good too.
Robby and I made these for a baby shower ,and I couldn't bear to throw them away after our finger numbing evening of paper folding.
Do you want to learn how to fold a paper airplane? well I might show you sometime.
If your nice.(Hey look!  I actually did a little tutorial in the next post. Check it out it's called "how to make a paper airplane" )

Elephants! This was a christmas present I actually made and finished in time for Christmas. Can you believe it?! And yes i know it is march and long past christmas ,but isn't he cute?
(are your inanimate things He's or She's? mine are usually He's)

I spun these skeins from wool my Spinning and Weaving guild (or The Fiber Ladies as I like to affectionetly call them) dyed and carded. They are going to be a flock of Hens and a flock? of Owls. Just trust me they are gonna be pretty darn cool maybe even Pinterestable.

So now I can grab a chair and take a breather til my next creative urge ensues.
Here are some ideas:
A painting of my Dog Meg
Learn how to do basic woodworking
Make something out of an old door
Make something out of an old pallett
Knit a barret
Get some painting framed
Sew a dress
Build a house ( just joking!...maybe.)
oh oh oh!   Grow mushrooms (for eating).
Plant my Garden ......

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