Saturday, December 11, 2010

snow day #1

Today my sister and I were completely snowed in by the first blizzard of the year.
We were very busy making the most of staying at home allll dayyy!
First we cleaned the whole house,then we decorated the whole house.

I also hung the laundry up in the basement ,and I enjoyed taking artsy pictures of myself.
We haven't had a working dryer in months, so we're going green , old fashioned and cheap all at the same time.

Here is our clean laundry long-underwear and all .
I felt so domestic hanging up the laundry on a line (never mind being in a basement.)
We actually found a use for this lovely gentleman.

And last but not least I started an underpainting for the new tree picture.It was pretty cool seeing how the layered paper soaked up the paint.

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