Friday, December 3, 2010

A tree for baby

Life is full of firsts: First black friday shopping,first speeding ticket,first time watching the christmas parade, first neice or nephew and first tree painted on a wall.
All of these things I may or may not have done (I'll let you be the judge),but I definetely painted a tree on a wall and it all started with a inspiration picture, a few slightly scary tree sketches and finally a cheerful happy tree ready to be projected on the wall and painted.
With the help of my highly accomplished assistant I made my debut on the new baby's bedroom wall.
what do you think? ... ..
We also painted E's kitchen a very bright Yellow ( florescent lights don't really give it the right hue think slightly warmer). Even though this color was a bit shocking at first after it dried and we put up some paintings I thought it looked great! and made the kitchen match my sister in laws cheerful personality. So I have been painting ; just walls instead of paper, so if I had something profound to say I would say it now.... something about the new color starting a new chapter in the life of a well aged farm house,and how many little finger prints we painted over and how many more to come.....
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