Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring is so close! it's changes are still very subtle though.
1. The snow is melted (for now) 2. everything is brown 3.You can see little signs of green .
Meg and I found just a hint of Spring on our walk today. As I was walking I was thinking , or worrying is probably a better word for it. What can I name my Etsy store?!!! I've been contemplating opening a Etsy store with Mom,but have been stalled because of the silly name. but it's not silly it will stick with the site as long as I have it ,and I want the name to hopefully stick in peoples minds as well I love the names that just make you go "that is so clever it just fits" . The more I think the less cleverer I become. Here are some of the words that have been floating around my brain:
Wooly, Willow, Lane, Mulberry, Grass, Meadow , Windy Willows, Where the wind blows, New Idea, Slow creek designs, ......oh and I've lost the rest. I don't want the name to be too specific in what I have to offer because who knows what I will make next! but I do love to knit ,and paint and sometimes sew and spin. I want my shop to feel fun ,and homey and have a bit of the farm life in it. I want it to be colorful ,but not gaudy or without taste.
Maybe my frustration came out in my painting because I do not like where this painting is going....I will start something new and maybe I can come back to this one and become inspired again. it's just not a very good compostion maybe I could crop it. hmm.....
i looked out the window at Mom & Dad's and saw Bess (m&D"s dog) the epotomy of totally relaxed. God is taking care of her,and God is taking care of me. He'll help me find a name that fits ,and He'll help me learn a thing or two about relying on his timing. Maybe you could help ? have any ideas for an Etsy store name?

1 comment:

Faye said...

okay don't know why the pictures won't show. But trust me I had some pretty cool pictures for this post.
Don't know how to fix that....yet.