Monday, January 28, 2013

Prairie Queen

Okay so I know this is probably past due but a few introductions are in order: New job meet my blog, Blog meet my new job.
I have been working at the Prairie Queen bakery since November, but I am finally feeling moderately comfortable there.( I like the name, though most people smirk when I tell them where I work;
I think it kinda rolls of the tongue don't you?) I like this job because it feels very flexible . I don't have to feel guilty taking a weekend off because my job isn't very specialized and three other girls could easily take my place. I feel like I could leave if I needed to ,but for now it gives me needed income.

The turnover (I prefer the apple ones :) oh wait... wrong kind of turnover) here is high ,so I am always meeting new coworkers which has it's blessings and trials.
It's fun to get to know the customers and their likes and dislikes; one pancake/no butter lots of syrup, a diet coke, one cinnamon roll warmed up with butter and a fork and knife, Hot tea extra hot. Everybody has their little quirks and soft spots. The saying is true here " you learn something new everyday".
My future is always going to be uncertain, so I am trying and praying so hard to live in the present to enjoy what I have instead of yearning for something else. This job has given me the opportunity to trust and to be vulnerable and to be overwhelmed and nervous and just do something even though I am scared down to my boots. I think no matter what type of job you start the beginning is always hard . Being that person that knows so little who is striving to learn fast and be useful I have such compassion for all the new employees. So.... if you're ever in the area you should stop by! I love seeing a familiar face; fill up a mug with fresh coffee and sit and enjoy a great apple fritter on me. You will get a royal welcome at the Prairie Queen bakery and restaurant. ( at least from me :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

It is what it is

 Sometimes I need to stop worrying about what my life isn't and appreciate what it is.
All the different little insignificant moments (seemingly) all the tears over stupid stuff and deep horrible stuff and the projects never finished.
I am thankful for the relationships I have .
For the love and comradeship of a large family.
For the handful of really tried and true friends who stick by me no matter what.

 It all goes together to make me (even though half the time I'm not really sure who I am!)
 God is continually shaping and molding me.
He is putting new and good desires in me.
And I will fail and dreams will fade,but I will have what matters
I will have what has stood the fire. ( rain, sunshine, snow, LIFE)

All these deep insightful words and all I was going to show you was a little arrangement I put together on my wall. A little painting there a lonely knitted glove there just a reminder to be grateful for the little beauties.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Quiet as....winter.

I can't be still...does this ever happen to you?
I wrestle with the thoughts going through my mind but I can't win.
     I need to stop...and be still. but I don't want to try to stop my mind.
 My God shall provide all of my needs.....all is asleep, frozen, resting and waiting.
except me. I need to get things done ,but there is always more to do my list never gets smaller and deep down I don't want it to. I want to stay busy so I never have to think... I can just do.
I'm like a little kid who is so tired ,but so determined to stay awake.
My God shall provide all of your needs...all...He will provide....your needs....Stop and listen to the quiet, still, crystal clear winter. Be still my soul and know....and know He is God.... sigh.... He is God and I am not.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

taste the color

Sometimes partly unwhittingly I arrange food on my plate to balance colors.
 In this month of January I am missing the color green, bright vibrant spinich or kale or maybe some tasty arugula (Somehow frozen peas just don't cut it anymore).  One of my nightmares is waking up one day colorblind. ( by the way this meal also matched my new place mats from christmas..Bonus!)
This is the menu: homemade squash muffins that I loosely based off a recipe (they were okay), made into a ham and egg sandwich.
left over cooked carrots and mushrooms with some avocado added for GREEN.
beautiful juicy oranges ( I think these have helped keep me healthy this winter, and they are so tasty)
                                                                  Hey look it's RED.

My tradition since childhood is pancakes on sunday morning,but last sunday I woke up too late to make them before church because I had to make a salad for our sunday dinner and I missed sunday seemed somehow short-sheeted.
So I made them Tuesday instead, life can now go back to it's regular scheduled program.. yummm... not very colorful but early in the morning my vision is blurry anyway and I can take an uncolorful breakfast better than an uncolorful lunch.

It's a beautiful winter and all I give you to look at is food and this funny face... sorry you have to get your own fill of the winter wonderland outside. Happy Thursday almost Friday.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

favorite posts of 2012

Here are a few of my favorite posts of 2012 in no particular order:
Look I painted....

And I baked.......

I went to look and chat with the neighbors......


 Cooked, baked and ate more food.....
Painted a memory from Austria.... and you can read a little about that trip Here
(And I grew edible button mushrooms, it was so exciting to see the little guys grow and be able to eat them!)
It's fun to see snapshots of my year , 2012 you have been a full and good year I'm praying 2013 will be full of joy, exploration and creativity as well.

mushrooms...yes mushrooms.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

Whoa where has the time gone?

Grandpapa enjoying his hat just the way he likes  it .
And sigh... all the hubbub in done.

Whoa it's 2013? how did that happen?
 I need to stop and soak up the memories from christmas before I forget and forge on to the new year.

Our Brazilian brother! and his American Mai

Yours truly. Up for the whole day

I ham truly thankful for that Ham, way to go Mom!

Things I loved about this christmas
1. My whole family was home
2. On christmas day I didn't stress I totally enjoyed the day
3. My Brazilian brother was home, and cuncle (cousin/uncle) Caleb.
4. I got to spend two extra days with my sister April
5. Wonderful food! homegrown ham and squash, gomma and Leftsa.
6. It snowed! nothing like a white christmas.
7. Milking cows ( I know that is odd ,but truthfully I enjoyed milking with my family!)
8. Story time with our dear friends and neighbors christmas day eve.
9. Waking up late and lounging around with messy hair and pajamas
10. Real Wassail
Thank-you God... I didn't know that christmas could be so like thanksgiving
what a blessing.