Thursday, January 10, 2013

taste the color

Sometimes partly unwhittingly I arrange food on my plate to balance colors.
 In this month of January I am missing the color green, bright vibrant spinich or kale or maybe some tasty arugula (Somehow frozen peas just don't cut it anymore).  One of my nightmares is waking up one day colorblind. ( by the way this meal also matched my new place mats from christmas..Bonus!)
This is the menu: homemade squash muffins that I loosely based off a recipe (they were okay), made into a ham and egg sandwich.
left over cooked carrots and mushrooms with some avocado added for GREEN.
beautiful juicy oranges ( I think these have helped keep me healthy this winter, and they are so tasty)
                                                                  Hey look it's RED.

My tradition since childhood is pancakes on sunday morning,but last sunday I woke up too late to make them before church because I had to make a salad for our sunday dinner and I missed sunday seemed somehow short-sheeted.
So I made them Tuesday instead, life can now go back to it's regular scheduled program.. yummm... not very colorful but early in the morning my vision is blurry anyway and I can take an uncolorful breakfast better than an uncolorful lunch.

It's a beautiful winter and all I give you to look at is food and this funny face... sorry you have to get your own fill of the winter wonderland outside. Happy Thursday almost Friday.

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