Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

Whoa where has the time gone?

Grandpapa enjoying his hat just the way he likes  it .
And sigh... all the hubbub in done.

Whoa it's 2013? how did that happen?
 I need to stop and soak up the memories from christmas before I forget and forge on to the new year.

Our Brazilian brother! and his American Mai

Yours truly. Up for the whole day

I ham truly thankful for that Ham, way to go Mom!

Things I loved about this christmas
1. My whole family was home
2. On christmas day I didn't stress I totally enjoyed the day
3. My Brazilian brother was home, and cuncle (cousin/uncle) Caleb.
4. I got to spend two extra days with my sister April
5. Wonderful food! homegrown ham and squash, gomma and Leftsa.
6. It snowed! nothing like a white christmas.
7. Milking cows ( I know that is odd ,but truthfully I enjoyed milking with my family!)
8. Story time with our dear friends and neighbors christmas day eve.
9. Waking up late and lounging around with messy hair and pajamas
10. Real Wassail
Thank-you God... I didn't know that christmas could be so like thanksgiving
what a blessing.

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