Friday, November 19, 2010

sunrise sunset

My camera goes with me wherever I go ,and the skies have been breathtaking the last few weeks. Enjoy!
THis picture I took out my sunroof. The pond was so cool!
Finishing a bike ride sky.
Going to work sky.

evening walk sky.
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Have you been painting lately?

A few people have asked me this question after the A.R.T and while its really no excuse I say that I have been really busy thus unable to sit down and create . These pictures are out of order,but first of all was my trip to colorado with two of my good friends . I saw lotsa great art ,and had a blast hiking and sightseeing with these two beautiful young ladies.
pumpkin carving at T & E's
THen there was the pumpkin carving party ,a barn dance and a crazy fall costume party ( I dressed up as a nerdy homeschooler ).
And with church choir and youth group and of course work I haven't really been back to painting since early oct. But never fear that doesn't mean I never will . Winter is coming and along with it snowed in days. Now that's something to look forward to isn't it?
barn dance
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