Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garden time.

Growing up my Mom always gave us the option of having our very own garden plot inside her much larger garden. Almost every year I took her up on it ( I didn't always weed it or get a very good harvest ,but Mom never took the privilege away). And now that I have my own place I have continued the tradition. Gardening is not easy it's a lot of work ,but I love it!
a little baby tomato.
I've heard it said that there will be work in heaven the kind of work you dream of: fulfilling and satisfying.
Sometimes working in the garden I can taste a little bit of what that would be like. 
On a side note Meg (our dog) must not like eggplants because she barried this gigantic cow bone over the top of my eggplant plant! come to think of it I'm not really sure if I like eggplant either.
My garden is not quite finished yet I still have one spot open where the spinach was. What should I plant? Kale? Swiss chard? Zinnia's? more green beans?
Growing food for yourself isn't easy ,or is it always easy to know how to use everything out of the garden. I like to think of it as a challenge and oh how good fresh tastes! 
potatoes in buckets
no digging necassary, just dump the bucket over!

So Mom thank-you! you are probably working in your ever growing garden right at this moment,your big sunhat flapping in the wind.
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Mushrooms... yes mushrooms.

yay! for mushrooms!
 My newest interest:
growing edible mushrooms (opossed to the Shrooms some people accuse me of growing)
For some reason I find them fascinating, I like to eat them as well ,but never have I had the chance to taste anything but styrofoam button mushrooms from the grocery store or the occasional portabello mushroom . 
Dense White Mushrooms. The mushroom they used before they commercialized the white button.
I was so excited when I recieved my kit in the mail. I would recommend http://www.mushroomadventures.com/

 And now I have my very own mushrooms!  look at that cutie. 
First bag of ugly little plugs.
So the second plan to grow mushrooms is to get the plugs and put them into hardwood logs. 
fitting the plug into the hole
When I had enough logs ,and after they had soaked in the rain for a day or two I drilled holes and planted my mushrooms. 
pounding them easily into the log. ( I believe this log is a wild plum).
I tried the variety pack: Reishi,Mitake,Shitake,oyster & lions mane. 
The drill I borrowed from my Dad. Thanks Dad I love you!
Yes I measured .Something new and exciting for me
Now I wait 2-3 months to see if they will grow . Easy Peasy ! I would like to learn a method of producing more mushrooms so I could sell them at farmers market,but for now this is good.

Happy Mushroom Day! (not sure if there is a real mushroom day ,but figure this is as good a day as any.)
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