Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where's the art?

Faye where is your heart? um I mean Art?
Well my heart hasn't really been in my art lately,but I got a sudden burst of creativity the other day. Now that I look at it what came about: a fanciful house, chairs in a forest and a colorful quilt. I must be wanting the comfort of two of my likes, outside and inside.

I started the chairs painting with only the trees I was going to attempt another tree picture . I was kinda sceptical as to the success of such a venture ,but I sketched on. Then I left the sketch for say a week ,and I found an article in a magazine with all these different chairs in a photo shoot. They were fascinating all these different shapes and colors....... I was inspired.
There used to be a fourth chair ,but he looked too much like an alien.

I love how the background flows , the colors dried so wonderfully random ! that is when watercolor is exciting!

And without knowing it I have carried the colors from my paintings into my quilt.
Color, color and more color.

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