Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Summer to remember.

So last time I wrote a post (quite awhile ago...) Summer was just beginning and now it's basically over. Fall crispness is in the air and I feel like I need to catch you up.  I am gonna give you my summer highlights ( whether you want them or not!)
So here goes:
1. Hard work and fun with my red headed brother cleaning up the junk on the farm ,and painting the garage and grainery.
2. Florida,  yes I know it's such a typical vacation/retirement place, but when you go for a good friends wedding and get to enjoy a nice rental house you can't help but enjoy it.   Ahhhh a good place to relax. Congratulations Mr and Mrs H!

 3. Being an Aunt . It's so fun when that little face lights up when you walk into the room. Nothing like a hug and kiss from a 18 month old. Along with chasing chickens and being a human amusement ride.
 4. Garden fresh food.  A fresh juicy tomato right from the garden or fresh corn on the cob.
Someday in heaven there is gonna be the best fresh food with not an ounce of guilt. Good food really makes me happy!
 And to add to that theme, sitting down to a simple fresh meal after a satisfying morning of work, taking as long as it takes to eat , laying down on the grass and taking a nap before getting back to work. As Martha says "it's a good thing".
5. Well now this next highlight needs more space. I'll let you guess why in the world am I sitting in a window from a castle ruin??? .........

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