Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Made with LOVE

Kittens lose their mittens ....and so do I.
So extra mittens is never a problem. I finished the first mitten last night , hmm long cold winter evenings I'm sure is what made someone want to figure out how to create wool yarn tied into loopy knots .
I just noticed that I put the same colors of my mittens on the underpainting of my newest enterprise.
totally unintentional ,but interesting.
Today I'm at home ,and It's totally freezing outside . I'm not even sure how cold the windchill is. BUT something I do know is that everyone needs a little encouragement. Cards always encourage me . little personal notes that I can't quite seem to throw out.
I keep them in boxes in my closet and every once and awhile I pull them out and smile.
I hope these cards are box worthy for all the people who will recieve them this week.
I prayed over every one. God can use paper and glue isn't that crazy?
Last night I really enjoyed reading Phillipians with a couple of friends. Paul's love for people just seeps out of that book.
I seem to lack that I mostly think of myself, first thing in the morning : ME last thing at night:ME.
I want God to change that in me , first I want to think of HIM . to really really love HIM. Second I want to love what he loves
THis little prayer that paul prays for the Phillipians is what I want to pray for my dear friends.

Phil 1:9-11
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and MORE in REAL knowledge and all Discernment,
so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be SINCERE and blameless until the day of Christ;
Having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of GOd.

So this Valentines Day I'm going to seek after REAL love.
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1 comment:

Faith Food and Farm said...

Just couldnt resist sending you a comment. We love you!
God is going to use you in a special way this year.
Check out the guild blog. I used your photo hope that's okay.
Look for more comments!