Friday, April 15, 2011

mistakes or opportunities

Hey just wanted to post a quick post about what I did today:
I found out I have some pretty cute fabric in my stash and that I should make a fabric banner
I cut random triangles out of my cute fabric . Random because it's my day off and I don't have to be precise on my day off I just let my hair go crazy, I put on NO makeup, and I wear my frumpy clothes. If you see me on this particular day please resist the urge to scream and run away.

I also finished my first little girl dress . I did have a pattern ,but it still has a very Faye touch ( that's what some people call crooked hems)
Mom says it looks like something my Great Grandma Emma would make.
My Grandma Emma was a creative soul , and I only wish I could have known her better. ( she died when I was 7). She made us lots of doll clothes ,and she painted beautiful paintings, She painted a portrait of all of her great grandkids. and she used to make my Dad and his siblings pajamas every Christmas always huge and without a pattern . She put drawstrings in them so it wouldn't matter if they didn't quite fit.
A woman after my own heart.

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