Saturday, January 26, 2013

It is what it is

 Sometimes I need to stop worrying about what my life isn't and appreciate what it is.
All the different little insignificant moments (seemingly) all the tears over stupid stuff and deep horrible stuff and the projects never finished.
I am thankful for the relationships I have .
For the love and comradeship of a large family.
For the handful of really tried and true friends who stick by me no matter what.

 It all goes together to make me (even though half the time I'm not really sure who I am!)
 God is continually shaping and molding me.
He is putting new and good desires in me.
And I will fail and dreams will fade,but I will have what matters
I will have what has stood the fire. ( rain, sunshine, snow, LIFE)

All these deep insightful words and all I was going to show you was a little arrangement I put together on my wall. A little painting there a lonely knitted glove there just a reminder to be grateful for the little beauties.

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