Friday, January 11, 2013

Quiet as....winter.

I can't be still...does this ever happen to you?
I wrestle with the thoughts going through my mind but I can't win.
     I need to stop...and be still. but I don't want to try to stop my mind.
 My God shall provide all of my needs.....all is asleep, frozen, resting and waiting.
except me. I need to get things done ,but there is always more to do my list never gets smaller and deep down I don't want it to. I want to stay busy so I never have to think... I can just do.
I'm like a little kid who is so tired ,but so determined to stay awake.
My God shall provide all of your needs...all...He will provide....your needs....Stop and listen to the quiet, still, crystal clear winter. Be still my soul and know....and know He is God.... sigh.... He is God and I am not.

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