Saturday, November 3, 2012


I've always had a thing for old stuff. I remember as a kid going through the old bottles and cans Mom was going to send to the land fil and using them in our tree house. 
Good-will holds a special place in my heart.
I especially love old kitchen stuff: dishes ,plates, cups and bowls and cookware.
You can always use another table cloth.

 So since I had some free time what with still not having a job and all, I decided to ask my favorite local Antique shop if they needed some help. it's quaint and funny and the coffee crowd comes in twice a day to sit and visit. I've learned that visiting involves talking about who lives where and when and what the good old days were like, The weather and sometimes some politics.
 I've learned what vaseline glass is and how it looks under a black light and what candlewick glassware looks like. ( If you stop by I'll show you ).
 I've learned how to make a Latte and Cappuccino and a Mocha and what Drunken Uncle coffee tastes like. (it's actually quite tasty). I've met Fred and Weber and Mina , and listened to Chuck tell stories of his family running Paullina's own chicken processing plant. I've heard all about the four day blizzard in the 70's and how they had to just let the milk run out on the ground because the milk truck couldn't make it.
I've also had the opportunity to dust every single glass thing pictured on that shelf above. yessiree old stuff might be old ,but it doesn't have to be dirty! So I'm glad I asked and if you're ever in the area stop by for a coffee and a visit. Sit back and talk about the good old days and rest from the nowadays hustle and bustle.

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