Saturday, November 17, 2012

DIY craftiness

 I love receiving handwritten letters, don't you? It's not an impersonal printed junk mail . Someone actually took the time to think of you and write a special message to you. They didn't care about how much the postage cost, or that it would take a few days to get there. So I want my friends to feel the same pleasure and I usually hastily write a note on a blank piece of paper and doodle a few pictures to make it interesting.
 But today I'm gonna have fun not caring how long this takes: hand printing my own sationary.
I scavengered around the house to use things I had on hand; a carrot, a vase and I even tried using some left over indian corn.
 Okay so I'm not always very good at long term correspondence but a random thoughtful letter I can do.
 I found these biscuit cutters in the bottom of my kitchen drawer. What fun! I need to use these on some fun food project sometime. I have every size from teeny tiny to giant monster cookie.
 I'm sure there is a lot more sophisticated stamps out there but these were so relaxing and refreshing in their simpleness.

Dear, friend I made this just for you because I love you and I wanted you to know.
P.S. write back soon!

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